Today is launch day! We meant to launch a few days earlier... It took me some fumbling to get the domain registered. I cannot overemphasize how valuable it is for us to have a day/date tagged to this goal. We make no bones about it, There will be ups and downs in the next 1200 days. We will take the good with the bad and we will share it all with any community that forms around these words. Hopefully, someone will find these words and find value in our project. Account update Yesterday was a quite day in our accounts. We were +348.00 on the day. We have met our daily goal! The markets were down today...I do not anticipate we will meet our goal tomorrow. I will let you know. As of today, our average daily rate of change is +$559.02 on the year. You will note this is a big jump from the data presented in the previous post. We moved about six thousand dollars into the account earlier in the week. We will keep a running total of this daily average change for the duration of the project. Periodically, as we run ahead or behind projections, we will re-evaluate the daily need and make calculations based as such. Today is pay day. Pay day is always an entertaining day as we are able to work on our www.ynab.com budget. More on YNAB later, BUT. I haven not found a piece of budgeting software that meets our needs better than YNAB. If you are not in love with a budgeting spreadsheet or software, I would strongly recommend you give YNAB a try. Comments are closed.
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